A Solution to the Climate
Change and World Peace

Did you know that mankind’s extinction is a realistic, scientifically proven future? The extinction of bees and the dramatic reduction of food production will threaten us in the near future and they are only the beginning; it’s high time to actively do something about it! But is there even a solution to the problem of climate change? The answer is YES! And you are holding it in your hands—the result of a search of almost 30 years to find the answers. In my book I introduce in everyday language a system, any of whose parts can be adapted to your life regardless of whether you would like to act against climate change as a private person, a parent concerned about their children’s future, a CEO, a lecturer or a politician. The book not only provides a solution to climate crisis, but can actually make your life better and can even set humankind’s social problems in the right direction. Read this book, and become an active participant in the human race’s common mission!

The author

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About the author

Dr. Ernő Dittrich, Doctor of Engineering, lecturer at the Environment Faculty of Pécs University (Hungary), researcher, inventor, leading designer and technical expert, has been dealing with complex water and environmental problems all his life. Climate change is one of the key subjects of his over 20 years of professional work. As a father of five, he considers the fight against climate change as a personal mission to give his children a chance for a happy and balanced life. He has given himself no smaller objective than to save humankind from rushing to its extinction.

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Who do I recommend this book to?

For those concerned about climate change and want to know the solution

Do you find the news about climate change worrying? Are you fed up with everybody just talking about the problem but offering little information about a solution? Do you consider our shared future to be dark but you would like to believe there is an answer? If you have these kinds of questions, I highly recommend this book to you! Reading the book will answer your questions regarding climate change and you will clearly see the solution system for climate change. I am going introduce you to a solution package in which you can take an active part. Moreover, with this solution package you won’t have to wait for agreements between nations in order to start making positive changes.

For worried parents who would like to actively aid their children’s future

Does fear fill your heart when you think about the big danger in our children’s future? Do you want answers regarding how serious this danger is and what you can do about it? Do you want to see which directions to take in order to actively do something for your children’s future? If your answer is yes to these questions, this book is for you! I promise you will get all the answers you’re seeking within this book. You will know the main directions to take with your family in order to have a happy and safe future.

For everybody who wants to live in a better world and wants to do something about it

Do you see mankind’s future as being dark? Are you dissatisfied with how the world works today and the way people are living? Would you like to believe you could have a happier and more harmonious future? This book can give you the answers to similar questions. Its content not only offers a solution to climate change but will also have a positive effect on your personal happiness. Furthermore, it can lead humankind itself to a happier future. Read the book and take an active part of the wonderful process of change that has just begun…

For politicians and social decision makers who want to lead people from the trap of climate change

Having trouble assessing the magnitude of the trouble our society is really in? Would you like to have solutions? Do you want to know how to become a leader who offers real solutions to people? Do you want to take your place among those leaders earning a reputation by helping to save humankind? Would you like to set the development of the world in the right direction? If you answered ’yes; to any of these, I wrote this book for you. The great advantage of my solution system, coming from almost 30 years of thinking and development, is that it can work as either a bottom-up initiative, under a top-down leadership, or as a combination of the two. My solution is to lead people into a more stable and happier future gradually with democratic tools. Please read this book and become an active leader in the remarkable transformation that is just starting!

For managers who want to lead their businesses into a successful future regardless of the ominous prognosis of climate change

Do you want your company to be a profitable and stable business in a future that is becoming more and more uncertain due to climate change? Would you like to develop your business to be more climate aware and profitable at the same time? If you want to believe that your company can actively participate in the fight against climate change, this book will give you important answers. It will help you to create the right approach to develop successful concepts and directions in the life of your company.

For instructors and awareness-raising experts who want to spread the solution for climate change

Do you believe in education? Do you want to finally offer solutions—beyond the problem of climate change—to children, students, and the people paying attention to what you share? Would you be happy to provide effective help? If your answers are yes, I am sure you are on the website of a book that will be useful to you. Read it and you will get the needed knowledge; what’s more, you will gain the answers to dispel most of your doubts regarding climate change!

Why is the book worth reading?

  • A solid 90% of the book lays out a complete solution system to get the human race out of the biggest threat in its history without significantly interfering with its development.
  • Only the beginning of the book deals with the problems of climate change specifically, but it paints an accurate picture about its levels and effects on our near and midterm future—you will see clearly how big the problem is! I can tell you in advance that it is far bigger than most people think it is.
  • The book summarizes more than 100 activities to choose from in order to shape a nicer and happier future from today forward—not to mention the fact that these opportunities can make your life better too!
  • You will learn from the book how strong the relationship is between the human spirit and climate change, and that all activities that support life not only combat climate change but also enhance your personal happiness!
  • The book introduces a solution system that can lead you gradually from the current economic-social mindset into a more climate-aware future.
  • The book introduces a solution that can work either as a bottom-up initiative or under political direction—or as a combination of the two.
  • The book provides solutions that can be adopted by anyone, regardless of their job or financial state.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about the book

Climate change is an incredibly complex issue! Isn’t it an illusion that the book offers a genuine solution?
My obvious answer is: NO. The question that tied a knot in my brain almost 30 years ago was ‘What is the solution to climate change?’. Since that time I’ve had a lot of ideas and partial solutions, and have read and learned about many others. As the fruit of much reflection, self development and learning, I pieced together a system which is actually capable of leading humanity out of the biggest problem faced in its history. This happened in 2019. I began teaching this system at the Faculty of Technology and Information Technology at the University of Pécs for two years, where students were challenged to ask questions which could prove that this system does not work. I asked the same from the people who gave their opinions on the manuscript. None of them could ask such a question, and I have not been able to ask one myself during that period. It is therefore clearly time for society at large to learn about this solution package.

How can the solution for such a complex problem be spelled out in such a short book?
The advantage of this solution system is that it works like open source software: everybody can understand this system, which everybody can take from or add to. It gives society what it needs to move in the right direction, and can be adjusted to the life of any company, person or organization.

I’m just one person; I don’t have the ability to do anything against climate change. How could this book be useful for me?
You’ll discover that you are able to do much more than you currently think! This system is about the individual, and is created in such a way as to make it possible for everyone to actively work against climate change, regardless of their job or how much money they have. It may sound surprising at first, but the fight against climate change does not necessarily cost money; only personal devotion is absolutely needed.

Are there any practical ideas and opinions in the book regarding everyday life?
Yes. The book contains more than 100 activities, which can be easily integrated into anyone’s life, allowing them to become an active participant in saving humankind.


‘In order to change our future, we have to change ourselves first. The changes in our way of living can be maintained in the long term only if we can be happy and the economy does not collapse. The book ably sums up our practical, economic, technical and mental tasks in order to live as better people in a viable world. It is common to specify within a review for whom the book is recommended, but this book really is for everybody. To use big words: it is the Sapiens of sustainability.’

Gergely Litkai | humorist who cares about sustainability

‘I recommend this book to everyone who can imagine that on our Earth, people can be in perfect accordance with nature; who believes that we have to act against climate change immediately; who believes in the individual spirit’s power and strives for happiness; and also who doubts all of these. Be open, think about it, and take the first steps towards your happiness and that of others!’

Mrs. Katalin Tóth-Berényi | civil engineer

‘It is difficult to describe the genre of the book. Manifesto? Analysis? Writing out inner thoughts? It’s a little bit of all of them. The author writes about really severe topics which are vital and affect our lives. I highly recommend the book to everyone who has already thought about the future of our planet. It provides potential solutions from a unique perspective, about which we can and even must think a lot - even by challenging the author himself. Meeting ideas can only be boosting!’

Dr. Zoltán Egerszegi | lawyer

There have been several international efforts made recently to slow down global warming, but these have not been effective enough to reach the centrally defined target state. The main reason has been that humankind first of all sacrifices its long-term interests for short-term ones. It seems that fixed targets cannot meet their deadlines through top-down management. In the book by Dr. Ernő Dittrich, instead of (or alongside) centralized authorities we can learn bottom-up solutions based on totally different principals to stop global warming. The author has developed an independent and coherent system with the help of which mankind can avoid the expected collapse caused by climate change in the near future. The essence of the new system is the theory of bottom-up building and its base is to change people’s bad habits. If this target succeeds on a societal level, it will help not only the reversing of global warming but also the solving of other environmental problems. The structure of the book is clear and logical; it reflects the author’s wide knowledge of that complex field of science. The language is simple and easy to understand. The informal remarks, questions and answers addressing the readers make the content readable. As a result, the book is not only interesting to laymen interested in the topic but can be perfectly used as teaching material for different levels of education. In order for humankind to reach the target set in Dr. Ernő Dittrich’s book, global consciousness has to be fundamentally changed. The intellectual and spiritual development of individuals and of global society are needed. A new, more ecological ‘Earth usage’ would be developed which would take the needs of ecological systems into consideration, as without these systems humankind would not be able to last long. For this reason, the rethinking of current organizational forms and social structures is needed. The question is whether human society will have enough time for these changes. If not, then the Earth’s biosphere will continue on its way either without people or with a dramatically decreased number of people.’

Dr. Ferenc Szilágyi | honorary professor

‘The process of climate change is already known by everyone. This book argues the cause-and-effect relationships for an everyday person in a plain and simple way. The entirely new approaches are food for thought; the problem circle is much wider than we would think at first. I also like that the optional solutions and answers are outlined in the book with all of their advantages and disadvantages. Being an economist and a mother, it is important to me to be able to do something on a daily basis to preserve our planet’s diversity, and this book helps me with that.’

Andrea Garami | economist possessing a law degree, business mentor

The climate book deals with the topic of environment protection in a comprehensive way, approaching it from several perspectives. It shows the positive, inspiring image of the future through six different programs, beyond the detailed analyses of problems, which can provide solutions to our urgent problems in the long term. This image describes a world where the most precious values are well-informed individual responsibility, spiritual growth, selflessness, a feeling of togetherness, and strengthening the community perspective. We can start bringing these values to realization right now with the help of the practical steps suggested by the author, which can be integrated into our everyday life.’

Judit Pap | psychologist, kinesiologist

‘The book describes the connections between our way of life and climate change in an easy style, and points out the individual’s role with plain examples. But what makes it unique is that the book looks into the research of the motivations behind our lifestyles that cause climate change. Recent decades have proven that the patching up of the elements of our current technological-economic-social system does not solve the approaching catastrophe. Implementing a new technology or rule means only symptomatic treatment and does not equate to significant emission reduction, and its long-term effects cannot be provided. The author points out that we have to rethink how our society works from the basics. He helps identify the bad mechanisms developed through the last hundreds of years and provides suggestions as to how to leave these mechanisms which already work in traces but are waiting for their global expansion. The book addresses the reader personally and helps us in investigating ourselves, supporting not only the disposing of our habits which are harmful for the environment, but serving as a guide to establishing a well balanced life. What gives a special power to the book is the positive approach that penetrates its whole content. It offers peaceful solutions for starting the changes which will take place anyway sooner or later in a much more drastic way. The next step is up to us, readers, as individuals and in our work, to follow as many of the suggestions as we can.’

Balázs Borkovits | international project manager , economist (MSc), electric engineer (BSc)


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